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2oo4 - Entheogens (információk enteogénekről minden mennyiségben)


Psychoactive Plants list (
Általános információk, fajok, történelem, tradícionális használat, medikális használat, jog, cikkek, kutatások, publikációk, élmények, könyvek, képek [eng]



Mescalito Galéria (szép nagy képekkel)

Peyote tudástár ( [eng]



Ayahuasca Analogues
"This page is a copy of the tables from Jonathan Ott's Ayahuasca Analogues, copied, of course, without permission. If Mr. Ott or his publishers would like me to remove this, I ask that they e-mail me before threatening me legally, and I'll be happy to delete this page. This is for informational purposes, for those of us who do not have access to the Amazon but still want to explore the entheogenic properties of Ayahuasca. All standard disclaimers apply. First of all, before I relate the tables, I will say a few words about what Ayahuasca is. Ayahuasca, also called Yaje or Yage, is a pan-Amazonian brew used shamanically. It most often involves the combination of Banisteriopsis caapi vine with other plants, usually plants containing tryptamines. B. caapi contains beta-carbolines which, in low doses, potentiate the effects of other entheogens. The basic chemical mechanism for Ayahuasca, as near as I can tell from my reading, and I'm no expert, is combination of a beta-carboline with a tryptamine, usually DMT."
Ayahuasca Analogues [eng]

Ayahuasca FAQ
Version: 1.05 / Date: 11/12/00 [eng]
Ayahuasca FAQ [eng]

Ayahuasca tudástár ( [eng]


.:Psylocibin Mushrooms:.

Psilocybin Mushrooms tudástár ( [eng]

The Great Psilocybin Mushroom Image Guide (pdf)

Hungarian language Psilocybe FAQ (by Biga from [hun]

- Termesztés -

The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide (Version 3.2) [eng]

Growing FAQ [eng]

Indoor Mushroom Growing Technique (by D.H Jarrold) (pdf) [eng]

Cultivation of Psilocybe cubensis on sterilised rye grain [eng]

Mexicana growing [eng]

The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide [hun]

Kiegészítések a magyar verzióhoz [hun]

Prosztó gombatermelési módszer (by Biga from [hun]

Psilocybe Cubensis gyorstalpaló termesztési útmutató (by Nibn M'Bowo from [hun]

Termesztési útmutató a P. Astoriensis, P. Azurescens, P. Bohemica, P. Cyanescens Psilocybe gombafajtákhoz (by Nibn M'Bowo from [hun]

Különböző fajok psylocibin, psylocin tartalma

- Galéria -

Kultikus ábrázolások